Your Health & Nutrition Portal
Educate & Empower yourselves with basic understanding of Food, Nutrition & Health. Expand your knowledge and make more meaningful & informed food choices for a healthy and happy life.
Educate & Empower yourselves with basic understanding of Food, Nutrition & Health. Expand your knowledge and make more meaningful & informed food choices for a healthy and happy life.
The country suffers from the double burden of malnutrition and ‘Hidden hunger’. It is also home to the greatest number of malnourished children all across the world.
Source: What Impacts Child Malnutrition in India and Why We Need to Be Aware of These Factors
Most comprehensive survey to date on the health and nutrition indicators of India’s men, women and children. The survey provides datapoints for overall India and separately for each State/Union Territory (UT).
Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is a major public health problem in India. This affects the child at the most crucial period of time of development, which can lead to permanent impairment in later life. PEM is measured in terms of underweight, stunting and wasting.
7 out of 10 indians are protein deficient
Pregnant women are unaware of protein needs
Diets are protein deficient.
People wrongly believed that leafy vegetables are a source of protein
Source: Majority of urban rich Indians don’t eat enough proteins
The Global Nutrition Report is the world’s leading independent assessment of the state of global nutrition. It provides a concise data-focused update on the state of diets and nutrition in the world.
All around the world, too few countries are on course to meet nutrition targets
*40% reduction in the number of children under 5 who are stunted.
*Reduce and maintain childhood wasting to less than 5%
*50% reduction of anaemia in women of reproductive age.
*No increase in childhood overweight.
Source: Global Nutrition Report
To know country specific progress on these targets, click here